Health Benefits of Fruits Avocados, Passion Fruit, Pears and Cherries

Health Benefits of Fruits Avocados, Passion Fruit, Pears and Cherries For Promotes Healthy heart, Aide in Digestion, improves vision, Good for Diabetics, Younger Looking Skin, Enhances Immunity, Keeps Your Heart Healthy, Prevents Cancer, No Allergic, Reactions, Controls Blood Sugar Level, Boosts Immune system, Increases Energy Levels, Digestion, Facilitates Weight, Lowers Hypertension, Promotes Healthy Looks, maintains pH Balance, Energy Fruit, Prevent cardiovascular Diseases.

Fruits Avocados, Passion Fruit, Pears and Cherries

Health Benefits of Avocados

Avocados are most Beneficial when eaten raw, and avocados are great for your health when incorporated into a balanced and healthy diet. Health Benefits of Fruits

Promotes Healthy Heart

Beta-sitosterol, Which is Found in avocados, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. research studies showed that laboratory rats who were given avocados for 5 weeks as a part of their daily meal had about 27 percent lower triglyceride plasma levels and their HDL (good) Cholesterol was 17 percent higher as compared to a control group who did not consume avocados. This is one reason why eating avocados daily can help in protecting the heart from atherosclerosis.

Aide in Digestion

Avocados are soothing for the intestine and aid in digestion. They contain soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which help to keep the digestive system running smoothly. These type of fiber are very important for digestion because they bulk up stools and help ensure the smooth passage of food through the intestinal tract.

Health Benefits of fruits for Improves Vision

Avocados Can Help keep your eyes Health. They contain Carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to protect eyes against cataracts eye diseases related to age, and macular degeneration. These condition are often caused by free radicals that accumulate in the tissues of the eyes. The antioxidant activity of these special carotenoids in avocados neutralize the effects of those dangerous free radicals.

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit, Commonly know as granadilla or Krishna phal, in India is a vine species native to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, Passion fruit has Been named after its flower which comes from one of the hundred species of the passion flower. Passion fruit is a type of berry which is sweet-sour, highly aromatic and seedy. Health Benefits of Fruits

Good for Diabetics

Passion fruit has a low glycemic index (GI) and high fiber content (10.4%). This makes it a great fruit to maintain insulin levels for diabetics.

Younger looking skin

We all know that antioxidants are good for our skin. passion fruit has many types of antioxidants in it like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, riboflavin and Carotene. These antioxidants reduce the production of free radicals in our body. Free radicals are generated by our body cells as a by-product and can cause skin aging.

Enhances immunity

Step up your immunity with the jelly, Juice or squash of passion fruit. Passion fruit is highly rich in Vitamin C, beta cryptoxanthin and alpha-carotene that boosts your immunity. Passion Fruit also has iron which increases Haemoglobin in our red blood cells.

Keeps your heart healthy

The rich content of riboflavin (Vitamin B6) and niacin (Vitamin B3) in Passion fruit helps in regulating the thyroid activity in our body. Passion Fruit also prevents hardening of the arterial walls of the heart, keeping your heart functions running smoothly.

Health Benefits of Pears

Who doesn’t like those juicy and sweet pears especially in summers? They provide some Much-needed relief with their fiber-rich juiciness to get some cooling effect, especially for kids. Health Benefits of Fruits

Prevents Cancer

The High content of fiber present in pears binds to the carcinogenic cells by removing them and prevents colon cancer. A pear a day can prevent breast cancer by up to 34% in women after menopause.

No Allergic Reactions

Pears, when compared with other fruits, have less chance of allergenic reaction when eaten and thus are one of the few fruits that can be given to infants.

Controls Blood Sugar Level

Even though it is slightly sweet, with low glycerin index and high fiber content pears helps in controlling the sugar levels in the blood and prevents diabetes.

Boosts Immune System

Pears the high content of anti-oxidants like vitamin C and copper helps in boosting the immune system of the body to fight against various diseases.

Increases Energy Levels.

The high glucose content in pears given you instant energy when you feel weak.


A medium-sized pears contains around 20%-25% of the recommended daily intake of fiber. Since its fiber is insoluble, it moves through the colon easily and prevents colon polyps.

Benefits of Cherries

Facilitates Weight

Loss if you are planning to Shed some weight, Don’t forget to add cherries to your diet. Cherries are low in calories that means that around a cup of cherries would be less than 100 calories. Cherries are rich in vitamins that strengthen your metabolism and have a moderate water content that flushes out the toxins from your body. Health Benefits of Fruits

Lowers Hypertension

Cherries contain a good amount of potassium and thus, help in removing excess sodium content from the body and balances the amount of both potassium and sodium which automatically helps in maintaining your blood pressure levels.

Promotes Healthy Locks

Cherries contains Vitamin B and Vitamin C prevents Hair damage and breakage and keeps the scalp hydrated.

Health Benefits of fruits for Maintains pH Balance

Cherries are alkaline in nature. Whenever there is an increase in the acidic content of the body, cherries can come in handy to balance the pH levels by neutralizing it and preventing stomach problems like acidity or indigestion.

Health Benefits of fruits for Energy Fruit

Cherries are a high energy fruit. They automatically facilitate blood circulation. Cherries can help in the formation of blood cells and boost our energy levels.

Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

The antioxidants present in cherries called anthocyanins help in reducing bad cholesterol level, regulate the blood pressure and fight free radicals that may cause inflammation.

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